What is Beauty Pageant ? – Saurab Rajbhandari

What is Beauty Pageant ? – Saurab Rajbhandari

The waving hand, the catwalk, being elegant and looking admirable, are the main attributes of any beauty pageant and cannot be denied. But beauty pageants cannot just be defined on terms of being beautiful and looking beautiful. All the lights, glamor, show, and music are like a delight and prize for each contestant for what they have achieved. Every contestant is a winner as each will be gaining knowledge, skill and confidence worth for a lifetime.

You are your first judge.

The pageant means, speaking your heart, meeting and talking with people, travelling to places, learning about history, enhancing the skills you have and crafting the skills you do not have. The days in training will be hard and tiresome. Each day each contestant will be groomed and trained and each day will be a milestone on the way to be the best.

The pageant means being part of something big, making friends and having fun.

As such Miss Purbeli 7th season has been designed and crafted to develop and boost every aspect of the contestant and develop showmanship. Each participants will be trained and mentored by national level trainer. Each stage in the contest will be catered as for development of the participants.

Writer : Saurab Rajbhandari

Managing director

BMed surgical and healthcare technology

A1 entertainment

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