नोबेल खुलेपछी सुनिल शर्माले यसो भने

<span class='c1'>नोबेल खुलेपछी सुनिल</span> <span class='c2'>शर्माले यसो भने</span>

बिराटनगर असार १५ , बिराटनगर स्थित नोबेल अस्पताल केहि दिन बन्द भएपछी आज खुलेको छ । अस्पताल खुलेपछी अस्पतालका एम.डि सुनिल शर्माले नोबेलको फेसबुक मार्फत विद्यार्थीलाई यस्तो सन्देश दिए ।


Congratulation to all the Fifth Batch intern students for opening hospital & college yourselves from today.
Students, you are our children. Children make mistakes and it is the responsibility of the parents to bring them in right path. Nobel Medical College follows the policy of 'Forgive and Forget' no students will be personally punished for the things that has happened in last 14 days because parents don't punish but we teach. Likewise sometimes parents make mistakes too and children's should guide them, saying this. I also apologize to everyone for all the trouble caused due to our misunderstanding. I would also like to thank the students for making a great decision to open hospital services from today.
Moving on, Me as the Managing Director of Nobel Medical College would like to thank all the Nobelian, Nepal police and Media from the bottom of my heart for their continuous support and co-operation. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those residents of kanchanbari-5 who took the initiative to help us to reopen our services.
Nobel Medical College is really grateful to everyone involved directly and indirectly during our difficult times .
Thank you.
Dr.Sunil Kumar Sharma
Managing Director
NMCTH, Biratnagar

यो खबर पढेर तपाईलाई कस्तो महसुस भयो ?

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सम्बंधित खबरहरु

विशेष भिडियो

<span class='c1'>बरगाछीमा ट्राफिक लाईट जडान</span> <span class='c2'>भएपछि ट्राफिक व्यवस्थापनमा सहज</span>

तपाईको प्रतिक्रिया लेख्नुहोस्